Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Dreaming of Summer Already

Hive I, 14 x 11"

Today, for the first time this year, I heard the tune White Christmas. Not usually my favorite, but it climbs high on my chart when it is sung by Otis Redding.

Hive II, 14 x 11"

This morning is was 27 degrees when I had the pleasure of taking the dog to the vet. There had been a hard frost. Looked mighty wintry and festive.

Hive III, 14 x 11"

However, since I'm not quite ready for the frigid Central Pennsylvania winter to get here, I'm dreaming of summer. Not sure if it is summer past or summer future, but it sure as heck isn't summer present.

Hive IV, 14 x 11"

I'm dreaming of golden summer haze and buzzing bees instead.

The next item on my to do list after dog to vet and updating my Etsy shop, is go downtown and remove my artwork from Happy Valley Optical. After lunch, I will do a little Christmas shopping. Hopefully that will put me in the right frame of mind for this time of year.

Or it could really tick me off.


lori vliegen said...

i get the biggest kick out of you, kim! your artwork looks warm and cozy just like you.....and i'm hoping that your temperatures get a little warmer too! :))

Anonymous said...
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Wiggy said...

I am sure if you can delete it you will, but Kim you received junk mail through a blog comment!!!!!
I can't believe it!!!

Well love your new works, love bees, we have a collection of honey pots we collected while living in Germany.

Also try to stay warm, we have not yet had a hard freeze, but I know it is coming!!!!

ArtPropelled said...

Looking at your warm, happy Hive series I would never imagine that you were feeling the cold.... but I'll take your word for it, Brrrr.

The Artist Within Us said...

Your colour combinations in the collages are wonderful and balanced. The 'bee' interests me, maybe because I have a weakness for these creatures.

Wishing you warm thoughts as even here in Southern California it is cold today.

Warmest regards

layers said...

I think if is fine to dream of sunny summer in the middle of freezing winter-- and to do work accordingly