Friday, August 23, 2013

See America Now

Monday was studio cleanup day.  Dusting.  Putting away things from before the summer up north.   Picking up of little dead things with lots of legs.

Tuesday was studio day.

I can't say I had been too creative over the summer.  My plan of a large series of small quilts didn't get too far off of the ground.

Would my studio time in Charleston be productive?  How long would it take before I became inspired?  I paced.  I looked at books.  I stared at the computer.

Then I decided to finish unpacking.  On the top of the box marked "studio," I found an old guide book I purchased on Etsy over the summer.  And there it was.  Right on the cover.  Those old greens and reds.  I would have to put some other colors with them.  But the deal was sealed and I got out the scissors.

 Here is the first little 5 x 5" square.  Only 15 more to go on my new piece, "See America Now."

1 comment:

Professor Chaos said...

See the USA in your Checvroleeeeeeet. . .