Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Decision Making Time?

Some of my "shtuff"

This seems to be the time of year when people think of the future.  I don't think that's working so well for me right now.  I seem to be stuck in the past.  Most of my holiday moments are spent thinking about what was going on with my mother during those holiday moments of last year.

December is usually a slow art month for me.  My family loves loads of Christmas decorations, cookies (which I have NOT gotten to), advent calendars, beautifully wrapped packages, etc.  My artwork often gets pushed aside and I can deal with that for a few weeks once a year.  I'm really itching to complete a piece right now, but that will have to wait until the lighting gets replaced in the attic.  Hopefully that will be tomorrow.  My track lighting has been slowly failing, and now with the pesky winter clouds settling in, I need new lights before I can see to work.

By January, I will be chomping at the bit to get back into the studio full time.

Right now, I'm into collages and have been treating my fiber art much as a bad Disney stepmother would treat her stepchildren.  But, too often, I can't help wondering if I'm headed in the right direction.  I have been a fiber artist for 15 years.  What the heck am I doing?  Am I flushing it all down the toilet?!?  Am I showing my fiber art blogging friends complete disrespect?  Am I destroying my following?  How can I not show allegiance to "my brand?"

But the little voices keep talking.  They think that I should start putting together a portfolio of my new collage work and check into which art galleries would be appropriate vehicles for their sale.  Do I have to forsake my fiber art to do this?  Can I do both?  Do I want to do both?  I'm finding it a bit hard to take myself seriously as an artist while just exploring and doing little to sell.

I feel the need to make a New Year's resolution.  But I have previously resolved never to make any resolutions.

I'm just going to burn a few cookies, hang a few more balls and deal with it all later.


Professor Chaos said...

Don't all great artists go through different periods? I think Dali started out as an impressionist, Picasso had his "blue period." Seems only natural that your style or technique would also evolve.

p said...

you can do whatever you want. think of it as a relationship...right now you have a new friend and you like spending more time with said friend than the older friend. do what pleases you kim, its easy :)

Colleen Kole said...

You seem to be on fire with what you are doing now.And excited. Just saying...

Susan said...

I agree with all above. And like Paula said, 'you have a new friend and you like spending more time with said friend than the older friend.'

One day you may visit your old friend again, but then you might not and that is ok.

Enjoy your creativity where ever it leads you.

ArtPropelled said...

Kim, the muse can be so sensitive that you really should do whatever makes you happy. Branching out can only make your work stronger, adding layers and excitement.... not to mention giving you a new lease on life. I say, Go for it!