Tuesday, January 29, 2008

hate it, Hate It, HATE IT, can't live without it

Ask me five years ago what my favorite color was and I probably would have said black. My least favorite color would have been orange. Ask me three years ago and I would have said black, brown, and blue. Ask me somewhat more recently, and I would have also tossed on the color red. Ask me now & orange may be at the top of the list. If I see orange, brown, gold and black together, I may just be overcome and pass out.

It did not take me long to gather these orange objects. Less than a minute. MMMMMMMMmmmmmmmmm. I think I will go and eat that tangerine and clean up with one of those stunning paper napkins.

It would add so much to my orange joy to see a lovely orange sunset. Not going to happen though. In central Pennsylvania, we have clouds all winter. 90% of the time. Not the kind of billowy clouds that add so much to a sunset. The solid, gray snowy or drizzly clouds. I'll have to gaze at my orange indoors. Instead of meditation, I should go and be quiet and search for my inner orange.


Nellie's Needles said...

Orange is at the top of my list, too. There are so many beautiful shades, tints, and variations that the people who quickly dismiss our favorite color never consider when they say, "orange".

Elin said...

I love orange too. My mother loved it so much she painted our kitchen orange. When I was a kid, I thought it was awful - who on Earth would want to paint a whole room orange? Now I love, love. love it. And my bathroom is painted orange. Never say never...

katie said...

My mother has orange counter tops in her kitchen. My favorite color used to be black, too. I'm branching out more these days, too.