Thursday, April 16, 2015

Fifty Shades of Blue-Green

Two weeks ago today I was standing on a bridge over the Grand Canal in Venice, fighting off selfie-stick pushers and trying my best to take photos without being overcome by my fear of heights in open spaces.

And I was amazed every minute about all of the shades of blue/green found in the canals of Venice.

I've tried my best to capture them at home in paint, but I fear I will never get close enough.  All of those shades are achingly beautiful.  I will not even attempt to describe them with words.  I am not so arrogant to think that I can.

Anyway, between those squares and those bits below (more of that to come when my cheap and outdated guidebooks arrive from Amazon's private sellers), a piece or two or three of art will be created.  I know I will fail to capture the beauty, so I'll just have to do the best I can.

And I'm going back. Some how.  Some way.  Some day.  I cannot be kept from a place so beautiful for long.

I will pester my readers with more photos soon.   I find that I am overwhelmed by the amount of photos taken.   The three of us took a total of more than 800 photos.  Some sorting must be done.

Who wants to come over for a slide show?